
The Krampe diversity at your fingertips: a new app gives easy access to the Krampe world

Krampe has gained a reputation for manufacturing a comprehensive range of excellent agricultural truck- and tractor-drawn trailers. Far from being a large-volume manufacturer, Krampe views itself as a manufacturer of custom made machinery. Catering for the diverse demands from different sectors, the company is usually able to design and implement a transport solution that is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Hardly any competitor can offer such a large range of custom options.

Krampe now developed a specific app for the Apple iPad® which brings the sales representatives, dealers and also the retail customers up to date with the Krampe product range. After tablet PCs have become handy assistants in business and private life, the Krampe app offers a useful and mobile tool to retrieve the latest news and product updates from Krampe, offering a clear overview of and quick access to news, brochures, major advantages of equipment and dealer documents. Brochures and pictures are directly downloaded to the app so users can read them anywhere and irrespective of reception conditions whereas product videos are viewed via  live-stream from YouTube to save storage space.

The app also offers a contact option so users can make immediate queries on all machines. The messages are relayed to the sales representatives in charge and a copy can be sent to the local dealer or the customer. Krampe sales partners have access to a secure area where they find further documentation such as price lists and dealer information.

The free Krampe app is now available for download from the App Store℠.

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Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Zusestraße 4
D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen

Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0
Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14
Mail: info@krampe.de

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Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Zusestraße 4 · D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen · Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0 · Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14 · Mail:info@krampe.de

gedruckt 09-05-2024 04:13:48 Uhr
