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Red trailers
"Green" production


A Iot of Krampe suppliers are located regionally, that leads to shorter hauls and therefore less CO2 emissions. Additionally, we reduce waste by rolling transport solutions.


Krampe trailers "quality on wheels" guarantee highest reliability and resale value. Very long operating periods go easy on natural resources (and on your financial ones).

Paint finnish

We use paints of high solid contents, which generate low-solvent emission levels. The drying process is given the time it takes to form a network-like structure. This way we also contain CO2 emission levels, which for years have been maintained below the statutory limits.

Biogas/ District heating

For heating all offices and production halls, Krampe uses district heating from a neighbouring biogas plant.


With its own photovoltaic system, Krampe produces a total of approx. 150% of its own electricity needs.

Wind energy

Krampe is involved building a neighboured wind farm. Since the beginning of 2020 green engery is produced. As soon as all wind turbines are errected there will be energy for more than 20,000 households A healty mix of renewable engergy sources is guaranteed.


As a family owned company; Krampe takes care for their employees. For example with ergonomic workplaces or sport events for the whole company. A living culture combines appreciation, openness and trust.

Sustainable thinking

Taking responsibility for the following genterations, we produce long lasting trailers in a in an environmentally responsible way. Protecting our resources is really relevant to us.


Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Zusestraße 4
D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen

Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0
Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14

Select language: deutsch english francais

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Zusestraße 4 · D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen · Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0 · Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14 ·

gedruckt 11-09-2024 02:51:59 Uhr
